Season Structure
A Conventional Season is structured in the following way:
Seasons will be no less than 8 weeks long and no longer than 12 weeks.
The final week of any season will be reserved for a double elimination head-to-head tournament known as The Playoffs, to be carried out in a Cup style match.
All weeks leading up to the Playoffs will be considered the Regular Season.
Each week throwers will have 36 scored throws performed at the distances and with the spins required by their rank known as Weekly Scoring Rounds.
The total of their Weekly Scoring Rounds will be the thrower’s Week Score.
Throwers’ Week Scores will be added together each week to all previous Weekly Scoring Rounds of that season to make a Total Score.
The thrower with the highest Total Score at the end of the Regular Season will be deemed the Season Champion.
The thrower that wins The Playoffs will be deemed the Playoff Champion.
A Cup Season is structured the following way:
Seasons will be no less than 8 weeks long and no longer than 12 weeks.
The final week of any season will be reserved for a double elimination head-to-head tournament known as The Playoffs.
All weeks leading up to the Playoffs will be considered the Regular Season.
Each week throwers will be scheduled two head-to-head matches against other throwers in their league.
Throwers’ total points scored each week will be added cumulatively throughout the Regular Season known as the Week Score
Throwers will be awarded 10 Win Points for each match the win in the Regular Season.
The combination of a thrower’s Week Scores and their Win Points will be the thrower’s Total Score.
The thrower with the highest Total Score at the end of the Regular Season will be deemed the Season Champion.
The thrower that wins the Playoffs will be deemed the Playoff Champion.
Match Rules
Warm-Up Rounds
Throwers will be given no less than 3 rounds of warm-up, totalling 9 throws, before scoring in a Conventional League.
Throwers may decide at which distance they would like to throw from for their warm-up rounds.
Warm-up throws can be performed in a scoring lane or in a separate lane.
The host venue may provide additional warm-up rounds at their discretion.
Weekly Scoring Rounds
Upon conclusion of the warm-up rounds the thrower will be scored by a scorekeeper deemed competent by the host venue.
Throwers will only begin throwing when the scorekeeper has declared the range “open”.
Throwers will progress through 12 rounds of scoring throws through a Left, Bottom, Right target sequence, resulting in 36 scored throws.
Any single throw that deviates from this pattern will be scored a zero.
Throwers of any rank higher than Beginner will alternate their distances after every round of 3 throws.
The final week of a Conventional Season will be carried out in a double elimination, head-to-head tournament.
The winner of the tournament will be deemed the Playoff Champ.
Playoff matches will unfold in the style of a Cup match.
Seeding for the tournament will be based upon the results of the Season
The Season Champ will be matched against the lowest point scorer, the Season runner-up matched with the second lowest scorer, and so on.
Game 3 of a match is only required in the event of a 1-1 tie after the first two games.
Season Tiebreaks
If two or more throwers are tied in season points the thrower with the most bullseyes scored in the season will be the deciding factor.
If the tied throwers have the same amount of bullseyes then least amount of zeros scored will be the tiebreaker.
Warm up Rounds
Each thrower will be given 3 warm-up throws before the beginning of each match.
No warm-up throws will be provided between games.
Throwers will decide for themselves at which distances to perform their warm-up throws.
Additional warm-up before the beginning of match-play may be provided at the discretion of the venue host.
Weekly Matches
Throwers will be scheduled 2 matches in a night of Cup League.
Matches will consist of 3 games totalling 27 throws not including tie-breaking throws.
A game will consist of 3 rounds of 3 throws in the Left, Bottom, Right sequence, totalling 9 throws per game.
One throw per round may be substituted for a Killshot
Killshots must be called before thrown.
A Killshot call must be acknowledged verbally by the scorekeeper.
The winner of at least 2 games wins the match.
Throws will be performed at the throwers required distances and spins based on their rank.
A thrower’s distance and spin will change only between rounds, not between throws in a round.
Intermediate throwers will alternate their starting distance for each game (ie. an Intermediate knife thrower will begin Game 1 at 3m, Game 2 at 4m, and Game 3 at 3m)
Game Progression
Throwers will only begin throwing when the scorekeeper has declared the range “open”.
For rounds 1 and 2 of a game, throwers will throw at their own pace, at the same time, or one after the other.
A thrower must throw their first axe or knife within 5 seconds of their opponent throwing their last axe or knife.
For round 3 of a game the leading thrower will throw their 3 axes or knives first.
The trailing thrower may make their best assessment on the leading throwers round 3 scores, but the scorekeeper will not score them until both throwers have finished throwing.
A thrower assessing a score may not do so from any closer than 2m from the target.
Game Tiebreaks
Should the two throwers have a tie after 3 rounds they will have an additional full round for a tiebreak.
The tie break will be performed at a thrower’s closest distance as required by their rank.
Throwers will carry out their throws in normal game progression.
If a tiebreak results in another tie, a second round of tie break will be carried out at a thrower’s farthest distance as required by their rank.
If ties continue, throwers will alternate rounds between their closest and farthest distances as required by their rank.
Points scored during a tiebreak do not count towards the season score. They are only used to determine a match winner.
The final week of the season will be reserved for a double elimination tournament with matches carried out in the same format as season matches.
Seeding for the tournament will be based on the results of the season
The Season Champ will be matched against the lowest point scorer, the Season runner-up matched with the second lowest scorer, and so on.
Game 3 of a round is only required in the event of a 1-1 tie in the first two games.
The winner of the tournament will be deemed the Playoff Champ
Season Tiebreaks
If two or more throwers are tied for combined season and win points the thrower with the most Killshots in the season will be the deciding factor.
If two or more throwers have equal points and equal amounts of Killshots in the season then most bullseyes, followed by the least amount of zeros scored in the season will be the tie breaking criteria.
Foot faults will be called on any thrower who’s foot crosses their minimum distance at any point while the scorekeeper has declared the range “open”.
Only the throw when the fault occurred will be scored a zero.
If multiple throws in a round are called foul, they will each receive a score of zero.
In the case of a thrower completing all throws correctly, but crossing their minimum distance line before the range is closed by the scorekeeper, that throwers 3rd throw will be scored a zero.
Once the scorekeeper has closed the range, throwers may cross their minimum distance line.
Scoring faults will be called on any thrower that removes, pulls, or touches their axe or knife in any way before the scorekeeper has given it a score.
It is recommended that throwers stay at least 2m back from the target while their scores are being assessed to avoid this fault, unless they disagree with a score given and wish to inspect closer, without touching the target or implement.
Forfeits, Truancy, Scoring Ahead
Throwers will be given a maximum of a two week grace period to complete their scoring for either Conventional or Cup League.
If they fall more than two weeks behind in their scoring they will be given a zero for that week.
Throwers may throw no more than one week ahead of schedule if they know they will not be in attendance for league the following week.
Throwers in a Cup League that arrive and find their opponents are truant and haven’t scored ahead will score their throws in normal game progression.
Any ties will be carried out once their opponent returns to league.