The Basics

Players throw implements at targets, from a determined distance, for a determined number of rounds, to score points.

A Round

Players throw 3 identical implements - knives/axes/tomahawks (discipline dependent) at a series of 3 targets, 1 implement at each target.


Player compete in one or more of the 3 disciplines; Axe/Tomahawk, Rotational Knife, and No-Spin Knife


A small axe (hatchet) or tomahawk of similar size, with a wooden handle, that when thrown rotates end-over-end through the air on the way to the target.

Rotational Knife

A knife-shaped object of hard and tough metal that when thrown rotates end-over-end through the air on the way to the target.

No-Spin Knife

A knife-shaped object of hard and tough metal that when thrown does no rotate through the air on the way to the target.


Players stand a minimum distance away from the target to throw at the target. 


A wooden target, of sufficient size,  with the IKTHOF octagon pattern painted or drawn on it.