
AUGUST 21-23, 2020



Because of the success of the first IKTHOF Online Challenge, Valley Axe has decided that instead of cancelling Throwchella outright, it will also be held online.

This August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Valley Axe and League of Edges are hosting a series of online challenges in all 3 IKTHOF disciplines.

Each day will present two different competitions for ANYONE TO ENTER. You will be given a 24 hour window to record and  submit your entry for one or both of those competitions.  Once the 24 hour window has closed submissions will be reviewed and winners will be announced.

When one 24 hour window expires a new one will open, starting a new day's events until all competitions have been completed.

In order to avoid anyone recording submissions earlier than allowed for entry, a password will be released for each 24 hour window as it opens. That password must be recited on camera before the first throw of the submitted video  in order to be reviewed.

To keep from overloading our judges, only one entry per competitor per competition will be reviewed. Once you have submitted a video for an event, no additional submissions will be reviewed.

Friday, August 21st

Axe Day Events

Pro/Am Conventional Throw

Target Lock

Saturday, August 22nd

Knife Day Events

Pro/Am Conventional Throw

Around the World (Rules altered from previous challenge. Please review)

Sunday, August 23rd

No Spin Day Events

Pro/Am Conventional Throw

No Drop Ninja (4m!)

Video Submission Requirements

For a video entry to be admissible it must be done in high enough resolution and frames per second for a judge to discern where the implement is landing in the target when shown. Heavily pixelated and/or choppy videos will not be reviewed. 

Throwers must be in view of the camera at all times during the video entry.

Throwers must begin their entry by reciting the passcode for the event provided by the IKTHOF.

It is highly recommended that throwers include one of the following before pulling a knife or axe from the target

  1. Bringing the camera in close to help verify each score

  2. Use a two camera set up. One to monitor the thrower and one dedicated to close ups on the target(s).

  3. A combination of options 1 and 2.

A failure to clearly show where the implement has landed will result in a zero for that throw. The responsibility is fully on the entrant to provide a clear view of each score. 

Throwers are responsible for submitting their entries to the IKTHOF within the required timeframe. Video submissions may be entered in the following ways:

  1. Upload to the IKTHOF Online Challenge Event page on Facebook.

  • Entries uploaded on Facebook should provide the thrower’s name and the challenge being attempted in the description.

  1. Upload to Youtube/Vimeo and provide a link to the IKTHOF Online Challenge event page on Facebook or send the link to

  • Entries uploaded to Youtube should have the thrower’s name and the name of the challenge in the title or in the description

  1. Send the video file to through WeTransfer. WeTransfer allows for free transfer of large files. 

  • Submitted files will be uploaded to the IKTHOF Youtube page so that all competitors can view entries. 

Equipment Requirements


  • Throwers may have 1-3 tomahawks/axes of the same length and style.

  • Axes must have a cutting edge no longer than 4.5 inches from tip-to-tip in a straight line.

  • Axe handles can be no less than 13 inches in length measured from the top of the head.

  • Axe handles must be wood.

  • There is no minimum weight for the head.

  • The maximum total weight of the axe is not to exceed 2.5 pounds.

  • Any participant with an axe that has more than one cutting edge (double bit, spikes, etc) must clearly identify which edge will be scored before competition begins.

    •  If more than one cutting edge touches the surface of the target, it will be scored a zero. 

Knives (Rotational)

  • Throwers may have 1-3 knives of the same length and style.

  • Knives must be a minimum total length of 12 inches, to a maximum of 16 inches from tip to handle. 

  • The blade of the knife can be no more than 2.5 inches wide.

  • Knives must have an obvious handle and blade. 

  • Live blades are not recommended, particularly for novice throwers.

  • It is suggested that knives weigh one ounce-per-inch or heavier for the safety of the person in the next lane.

Knives (No Spin)

  • Throwers must have 3 knives of the same length and style.

  • Knives must be a minimum total length of 9 inches, and a maximum of 16 inches from tip to handle.

  • The blade of the knife can be no more than 2.5 inches wide.

  • Knives must have an obvious handle and blade.

  • Live blades are not recommended, particularly for novice throwers. 

  • It is suggested that knives weigh one ounce-per-inch or heavier, to compete for the safety of the person in the next lane

  • Bo Shuriken or Spikes longer than 9” (25.4cm) and less than 16” (40.64cm) in length and at least 5oz (141.7g) in total weight are also permitted and encouraged. If the knife is untraditional or in question, the Range Master must approve the knife before the competition.

  • Handles are permitted on knives, Bo Shuriken, and Spikes. Any material is acceptable: Tape, Sports Wrap, Paracord, and Twine with Epoxy coat, etc.

  • Gyro knives, Flying Knives, or any other knife that allows air to pass through the handle to hinder spin are not permitted. 

    • Fletching, tassels, etc. are also not permitted.

    • In addition, a length of cordage or chain cannot be attached to the knife to be thrown like a rope-dart. 

    • Short spears are not permitted. 

      • The regulations for this league define a spear as over 13” (33.02cm) in length with a point/blade which length makes up for less than a third of the implements overall length.

Target Material and Layout

Targets may be constructed in multiple ways; 

1.Traditional IKTHOF end grain targets. Dimensional lumber cut to 5.5 inches and arranged into 2’x2’ squares framed by 2x6 lumber.

2. SPF kiln dried or green boards 4 feet in length hung tightly together to eliminate gaps in a vertical orientation.

3. An end grain “wall”. Blocks should be no less than 4 inches thick and packed tightly together, eliminating gaps.

4. Log rounds of a minimum 24 inch diameter and 5 inch thickness made of an approved species. 

Floor markings

IKTHOF Online Challenge requires meter markings to indicate throwing distances. A lane should have as many meter marks as allowable in the given space starting from 2 meters and going back. 

  • Half meter marks, while not required, are also encouraged to help throwers find their distances

    • Foot and inch marks are also acceptable in addition to meter marks, but not  without.

Target Style and Placement

  • The IKTHOF octagon layout will be used for all targets.

  • The lines can be (spray)painted or drawn on with a marker, whichever works best for the target material.

  • A target PDF will be provided by the IKTHOF. It is the range owner’s responsibility to have the stencil made. 

  • If spray paint is used to make the target, it is highly recommended that each ring is outlined with a thin black marker for ease of judging. 

  • To accommodate for the current Covid-19 predicament, throwers can use 1, 2 or 3 targets. 

  • If only one target is used, the bullseye centre should be measured to 60 inches from the ground

  • If two or three targets are used the centres of the left and right bullseye will be placed as close to 60 inches from the ground as possible. The bottom, centre bullseye will be placed as close to 50 inches from the ground as possible. 

  • If more than one target is being used, the thrower must throw from the leftmost target to the rightmost target. 

    In order to help throwers with single targets keep their videos short, stacking will be allowed for all events. It is the throwers responsibility to fix burrs and deficiencies. Any knife or axe that falls or is moved because of contact with another will be scored based on its position after all have been thrown. (Example: if you throw a bullseye and then knock it out of the target with another knife, it will be scored a zero.)


Scoring is as follows.

Bulls are 5 points and then one less for each ring going outward from the bull making a  5,4,3,2,1 pattern.


  • If a knife or axe drops from the target before the conclusion of the round and before the scorekeeper is able to definitively award points for the throw, a score of zero will be given.

  • Throwers may not touch any axe or knife to keep it from falling while it is being scored.

Determining a Score

  • Scores are determined based on where the blade touches the surface of the target.

  • Points cannot be awarded based on parts of the blade beneath or hovering above the surface of the target.

  • Axes and knives are scored to the better a.k.a. Just the Tip.

    • If the blade is touching more than one ring at the surface of the target, the thrower is awarded the higher valued point. 

  • For knives, the tip of the knife must touch or break the surface of the target to be a valid throw

Competition Rules

Conventional Competitions



The Conventional Hawk Amateur category consists of throws from 3 distances for a combined 36 throws. 

  • The distances required are 3m, 4m and 5m.   

  • All 3m throws must be 1 spin (blade forward)

  • All 4m throws must be 1.5 spin (blade backward)

  • All 5m throws must be 2 spin (blade forward)

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 3m, then 3 times from 4m, and then 3 times from 5m, in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 36 throws

  • A perfect score would be 180 points. 


The Conventional Hawk Pro category consists of throws from 5 distances for a combined 60 throws.

  • The distances required are 3m, 4m, 5m, 7m, and 9m.

  • All 3m throws must be 1 spin (blade forward)

  • All 4m throws must be 1.5 spin (blade backward)

  • All 5m throws must be 2 spin (blade forward)

  • All 7m throws must be 2.5 spin (blade backward)

  • All 9m throws must be 3 spin (blade forward)

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 3m, then 3 times from 4m, 3 times from 5m, 3 times from 7m, and then 3 times from 9m in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 60 throws.

  • A perfect score would be 300 points

Rotational Knives


The Conventional Knife Amateur category consists of throws from 4 distances for a combined 60 throws. 

  • The distances required are 2m, 3m, 4m and 5m.   

  • All 2m throws must be .5 spin (from the blade)

  • All 3m throws must be 1 spin (from the handle)

  • All 4m throws must be 1.5 spin (from the blade)

  • All 5m throws must be 2 spin (from the handle)

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 2m, 3 times from 3m, 3 times from 4m, 3 times from 5m, and then repeat 3 more throws from 5m,  in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 60 throws

  • A perfect score would be 300 points. 


The Conventional Knife Pro category consists of throws from 5 distances for a combined 60 throws.

  • The distances required are 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m.

  • All 3m throws must be 1 spin (from the handle)

  • All 4m throws must be 1.5 spin (from the blade)

  • All 5m throws must be 2 spin (from the handle)

  • All 6m throws must be 2.5 spin (from the blade)

  • All 7m throws must be 3 spin (from the 

  • handle)

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 3m, then 3 times from 4m, 3 times from 5m, 3 times from 6m, and then 3 times from 7m in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 60 throws.

  • A perfect score would be 300 points

No Spin Knives


The Conventional No Spin Amateur category consists of throws from 4 distances for a combined 60 throws. 

  • The distances required are 2m, 3m, 4m and 5m.   

  • All throws must be from the handle regardless of distance

  • Any knife completing a full rotation will be scored a zero.

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 2m, 3 times from 3m, 3 times from 4m, 3 times from 5m, and then repeat 3 more throws from 5m,  in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 60 throws

  • A perfect score would be 300 points. 


The Conventional Pro No Spin category consists of throws from 5 distances for a combined 60 throws.

  • The distances required are 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m.

  • All throws must be from the handle regardless of distance

  • Any knife completing a full rotation will be scored a zero.

  • The thrower must throw 3 times from 3m, then 3 times from 4m, 3 times from 5m, 3 times from 6m, and then 3 times from 7m in that order. 

  • They will complete this cycle 4 times for a total of 60 throws.

  • A perfect score would be 300 points

Target Lock Challenge

This challenge focuses on throwing centre cuts with your axe at ever smaller bullseyes. You only need one IKTHOF octagon target to play.
A centre cut is defined as an axe landing so that the blade does not break the outside line of the given bullseye.
All throws are from a 3m minimum distance with 1 spin.

This challenge has a minimum blade length of 3 inches and standard max of 4.5 inches, tip-to-tip.

There are 5 different sized bullseyes using the standard rings of an IKTHOF octagon:

50cm bull worth 1 point


40cm bull worth 2 points


30cm bull worth 3 points


20cm bull worth 4 points


10cm bull worth 5 points


Competitors make one attempt at each bull beginning with the 50cm bull, followed by the 40cm, 30cm, 20cm and finally the 10cm bull. One attempt at each bull is considered one lap.

  • All competitors may attempt 2 laps (10 throws) regardless of the outcome of each throw

  • If a bull is missed in the first 2 laps, do not repeat that throw. Move on to the next bull in the sequence.

  • The attempt is finished after 10 throws unless the competitor has scored 2 perfect laps

  • If a competitor finishes 2 perfect laps they continue to the bonus rounds

  • Bonus rounds are thrown only at the 10cm bull

  • For a bonus round throw to be successful it must be a centre cut on the 10cm bull

  • Each successful bonus round will be worth 5 points

  • The first missed throw in the bonus round will end the attempt.

Around the World Challenge

For this challenge throwers must stick each ring of the target from outside to inside (1 ring to bullseye) in as few throws as possible on a single target.

  •  All throws will be completed from 3m minimum, 1 spin

  • Each successful throw is worth 1 point

  • Sticking all 5 rings counts as 1 lap

  •  If the first lap is completed in 5 throws the thrower may begin their second lap for bonus points

  • More laps may be completed until the first missed throw

  • Knives touching more than one ring will be scored to the higher value. Ex. A knife touching both the 2 and 3 ring will be considered to be in the 3 ring

  • Throwers may throw up to 3 knives into the target before retrieving their knives

No Drop Ninja Challenge

For this challenge throwers stand at a 4m minimum and hit as many consecutive no spin throws into the target as possible in under 10 minutes.

  • The timer will begin when the first knife lands.

  • Each stick is worth 1 point.

  • When a thrower either lands outside the target, has a drop, or executes an illegal throw, their run is over. 

  • The total number of knives landed consecutively is the thrower’s score.

  • Knife stacking is allowed..

  • If more than one target is available the throws must progress from left to right as is done in traditional tournaments. 

  • Throwers may use a maximum of 3 knives.

  • Knives landing in the wrong target will not be scored and the run is over.

  • Throwers may walk quickly, but they cannot run to retrieve their knives. 

  • Throwers must wait until the last knife lands to cross the 4m line to retrieve. 

  • It must be clear in the video that each and every throw is landing in the correct scoring area.